Friday, December 20, 2019

The Good Girl’s Guide to Rough Sex

It's OK to take a risk.

Who doesn't love that scene featuring Brad and Angelina in Mr. and Mrs. Smith?  You know, the one where they master the art of crazy-fierce sex. While it all looks hot AF on camera, you might be worried that things could get too out of hand (or just plain awkward) during an aggressive roll in the hay. But don't stress, here's what you need to know.
Why Rough Sex Can Be Super Hot
Obviously, true harm is not acceptable in sexual experiences, but we might feel compelled to conquer our partner or to be conquered. Though the term "predatory aggression" sounds a bit scary, it's actually a healthy form of aggression in sex. A man might feel so aroused by you that he wants to squeeze you and have his energy engulf you.
Each of us has a deep driving instinct to stay safe, so openly inviting someone to dominate us reduces our control over our own safety—which can make rough sex kind of a thrill. You can fuel intense passion with your partner by nudging each other to the edge of your comfort zones.
How to Keep Aggressive Sex in Check
To keep throw-me-down-tie-me-up sex from feeling too intimidating, try easing into it. Here are some guidelines to help you explore rough sex in a healthy way:
1. Build slowly. You can start with slightly risky behaviors and build on those as you cultivate trust with each other. Practice what you did a few more times with the same intensity. If you felt bad or closed off after the act, that's not good. Discuss what felt "off" and why.
2. Let your natural instincts lead the way. There's no need to sensor yourself. If either of you hurts the other's feelings, listen to each other, apologize, note that particular boundary, and get back to being as risky as you can.
3. Take a few chances. While respect and consent are critical, you'll need to push your comfort zone a little. Let your shared fantasies of finding the perfect aggression balance spark between you.
4. Let go and trust yourself. After talking about what you want, go for it! Trust your instincts and then ask for it.
5. Prepare for awkwardness. If you haven't practiced being aggressive, you'll almost certainly feel a little weird at first. But just be honest. No criticizing or shaming allowed.
6. Take turns. Practice yielding to your partner's aggressive dominance, and then lead with your own. Be sure to speak up if your partner oversteps the bounds. Likewise, ease up if your partner says you've gone too far. You can always return to aggressive play later.

Friday, December 6, 2019

4 Threesome Tips From the Woman Who Let Her BFF Try Her Boyfriend's Penis

Lena the Plug is back with important advice for three-ways

YouTube personality Lena Nersesian—a.k.a. “Lena the Plug”—first gained notoriety over the summer when she openly admitted to allowing her best friend Emily “try” her boyfriend’s penis on for size.
“Friends tell each other everything,” Nersessian said in the viral video, which currently has more than 10 million views. “So Emily has seen pictures of Adam’s dick, she knows all about our sex life, I tell her everything. And now, I don’t have to tell her, she can just try his penis.”
Now, the YouTuber has once again found herself in the center of the internet spotlight thanks to a brand-new collaboration with her boyfriend Adam, where the two share their tips and tricks to having a successful threesome. Here are just a few pieces of three-way wisdom they shared:
1. Your Focus Should Be on Your Partner
“You need to keep centered on the fact that this experience is supposed to heighten you and your partner having sex, not be an alternative,” Adam explained. “Focus on your partner and show her she’s the center of your attention.”
2. Communication and Honesty Are Key
According to the couple, communication is key—and you should never push the idea of a threesome onto an unwilling partner. “Never push the issue until it’s awkward,” Adam said.
“I wouldn’t bring it up unless the girl has expressed interest in hooking up with other girls in general,” Lena added. (Here's what to do if she agrees to a threesome.)
2. Communication and Honesty Are Key
According to the couple, communication is key—and you should never push the idea of a threesome onto an unwilling partner. “Never push the issue until it’s awkward,” Adam said.
“I wouldn’t bring it up unless the girl has expressed interest in hooking up with other girls in general,” Lena added. (Here's what to do if she agrees to a threesome.)
4. Use Protection
Of all Lena and Matt's threesome advice, perhaps their most important is to make sure you bring protection. (We recommend these LELO HEX Condoms.)
“This is a conversation you want to have beforehand,” Adam said. “It’s something you really want to be on the same page with.”